• Schrijver:

    Titel: The Maungatapu Mountain Murderers. A narrative of the murder of five men between the Wakamarina River and Nelson Bay by Burgess, Levy, Kelly and Sullivan in 1866. A Vivid Word Picture of the Capture, Trial, Conviction and Execution. Illustrated.

    Nelson., Stiles & Co., 1924. 21 x 14 cms, 159 pages, photos in bl/w. Wrappers. Minimal wear. KEYWORDS: criminology New Zealand.

    Prijs: €45,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: Ko te Pikapuka NGA INOI me NGA HIMENE me era atu tikanga a te hahi metoriti ( Weteriana). nga Himene me Nga Hakarameta ( the book of common prayer, Hymns and Songs ).

    Ranana ( London ), Te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki., 1927. 16 x 11 cms, 229 pages. Some leaves with annotations in ink. Contemp. red cloth. Spine with wear. Exlibris Paeroa Methodist Church. KEYWORDS: devotio New Zealand.

    Prijs: €30,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: Official Handbook Containing Information Relative to the Port of Wellington New Zealand.

    Wellington., Wellington Harbour Board., 1963. 23 x 15 cms, 100 pages, numerous photos in colour and bl/w. 3 folding coloured maps. Stif wrappers with wear at edges. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. Maritime.

    Prijs: €35,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: AIR NEW ZEALAND `s first 30 years.

    Auckland., Air New Zealand., 1970. 20 x 26 cms, oblong. (48) pages. with photos in bl/w. Wrappers with wear at edges. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. aviation

    Prijs: €18,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: Battle for Crete. The New Zealand Division in Action.

    Wellington., Army Board., 1943. 1943. 24 x 18 cms, 48 pages, numerous photos in bl/w, maps. Wrappers. Good condition. hz4-19 KEYWORDS: WW I / WW II Greece. New Zealand.

    Prijs: €20,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: The Buried Village of Te Wairoa.

    Rotorua., D. Smith., 1960. 18 x 25 cms, oblong, ( 16 ) pages, with photos in bl/w. wrappers. 1960 = approximative. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €10,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: Famous Maori Songs.

    Auckland., Arthur Eady., 1950. 31 x 24 cms, ( 16 ) pages with music scores. Wrapper. Col. plate on front cover. 1950 = approximative. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. music

    Prijs: €12,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver:

    Titel: Nga Puna Roimata o te Arawa.

    Wellington., Museum of New Zealand Te Papa., 1993. 21 x 28 cms, oblong. 24 pages. numerous photos. Wrappers. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. textilia

    Prijs: €15,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Alldritt, Charles.

    Titel: No Holds Bard.

    Remuera, auckland., ( Private Press )., 1979. Remuera, Auckland., (Private Press)., 1979. 20 x 14 cms, 55 pages. Ills in colour and bl/w. Card covers. limited edition of 250 copies. With dedication in ms. of the author. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €20,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Archey, Gilbert.

    Titel: South Sea Folk. Handbook of Maori and Oceanic Ethnology. second edition.

    Auckland., 1949. 24 x 19 cms, 71 pages, numerous ills. wrappers, with dogs ears. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €12,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Barry, Captain, W. Jackson.

    Titel: Past & Present, and men of the times.

    Wellington., McKee & Gamble., 1897. 22 x 14 cms, portrait with dedication in ms to C. Tayler, the authors compliment W. Jackson Barry ..80 years. 253, ( i ) pages. With portaits. Contemp. cloth. Spine discoloured and with wear. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €35,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Bell, James. Greville, Reginald.

    Titel: A Geographical Report on the Franz Josef Glacier. New Zealand Geological Survey. Department of Mines.

    Wellington., John Mackay Government Printer., 1910. 28 x 22 pages, 14 pages, 3 coloured maps, 6 photographs. . Contemp. wrappers, wear at spine. Owner`s entry. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €25,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Condliffe, J. and Airey, Willis.

    Titel: Short History of New Zealand. fifth edition.

    Auckland., Whitcombe and Tombs., 1935. 18 x 12 cms, xiv, 289 pages, numerous ills, maps. Cloth, with minor wear at spine. Owner`s entry. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €18,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Cowan, James.

    Titel: The Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. its topography, geology, alpine and volcanic features, history and maori folk-lore.

    Wellington., Tongariro National Park board., 1927. lara 22 x 14 cms, 156 pages, 39 plates, large folding map. Cloth. Wrappers with wear. lara KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €30,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Cox, Alfred.

    Titel: Recollections: Austalia, England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand.

    Christchurch., Whitcombe & Tombs., 1884. Christchurch., Whitcombe & Tombs., 1884. 22 x 15 cms, vii, 272 pages. Decorated contemp. cloth. Decent stamp; Hamilton City Libraries, cancelled. Good condition. KEYWORDS: Australia. New Zealand.

    Prijs: €40,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Diamond, John and Hayward, Bruce.

    Titel: Kauri Timber Days. A Pictorial Account of the Kauri Timber Industry in New Zealand. 2nd printing.

    Auckland., The Bush Press., 1994. Auckland., The Bush Press., 1994. 24 x 18 cms, 48 pages. numerous photos. Minor spots. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. economy

    Prijs: €12,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Fraser, Colin / Park, James / Bell, J. / Clarke, C. / Adams, James / Webb, Ernest / Marshall, Patrick / Henderson, J. / Morgan, Percy / Bartrum, Arthur / Ongley, M / MacPherson, E. / Grange, L / Gibson, W. / Ferrar, H.

    Titel: BULLETIN 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 till 25 - 28 till 33 ( New Series ). Department of Mines, Geological Survey Branch.

    Wellington., John Mackay Government Printer., 1906. 29 BULLETINS ( of 33 ) , Geographical Monographies. 28 x 22 pages, each with 50-200 pages, numerous graphs, plates, maps, coloured folding maps. Contemp. wrappers, wear at spines and edges of wrapps, some wrappers loose. ALL present issues complete. published 1906-1929. NOT PRESENT Nrs; 3 - 7 - 26 - 27. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €400,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Frazer, prime minister, forword.

    Titel: War Record.

    Wellington., E. Paul, Government Printer., 1946. 24 x 18 cms, 63 pages, numerous photos in bl/w, Wrappers. Good condition. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. WW I / WW II

    Prijs: €14,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Hector, Sitr James, director.

    Titel: Reports of Geological Explorations during 1892-93 with Maps and Sections. Colonial museum and Geological Survey of New Zealand,

    Wellington., Samuel Costall Government Printer., 1894. 25 x 16 cms, xliii, 152 pages, numerous folding maps / plates. Without front wrapper. Owner`s entry. lara KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €25,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Isdale, A.M.

    Titel: History of " The River Thames " N.Z. Includes sections on mines and hotels with illustrated folder maps.

    Thames., A. Isdale / County Chronicle Press., 1967. 24 x 18 cms, 76, (iv) pages. folded map + folded plate. Stif wrappers. Wear on spine. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €15,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Jensen, David / Lindberg, bill / clark, Barry.

    Titel: HAMILTON Hub of the Waikata New Zealand.

    Hamilton., Times Commercial Printers., 1967. 28 x 22 cms, ( 48 ) pages, photos in bl/w. and colour. coloured hard cover. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €15,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Kirkpatrick, Russell.

    Titel: Contemporary Atlas New Zealand.

    Auckland., Bateman., 1999. 30 x 22 cms, 160 pages, with texts and coloured maps. Hard cover. Dust wrappers. Good condition. KEYWORDS: atlas national New Zealand.

    Prijs: €30,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: McLean, Mervyn. Orbell, Margaret.

    Titel: Traditional Songs of the Maori.

    Wellington., A. Reed., 1975. 24 x 37 cms, 323 p., text of the songs maori with translation aside, all songs with music-notes. Boards, dust jacket. KEYWORDS: music New Zealand.

    Prijs: €50,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: McLintock, A.

    Titel: A descriptive Atlas of New Zealand.

    Wellington., Owen, Government Printer., 1960. 31 x 26 cms, xxi, 88 pp. with texts, xxxiv plates with bl/w. photos, 48 pp. with col. maps , gazetteer 109 pp. cloth. good condition. KEYWORDS: atlas national New Zealand.

    Prijs: €30,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Michael King.

    Titel: Maori . A Photographic and Social History.

    Auckland., Heinemann., 1986. 24 x 22 cms, 287 pp. Numerous photos, register. paperback. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €18,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Morgan, P. / Suter, Henry / Woods, Henry / Arber, E. / Chapman, Frederick / Wilckens, Otto / Allan, R.

    Titel: Palaeontological Bulletin 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8- 9 - 11 - 14 - 15. New Zealand Geological Survey Branch. Department of Mines.

    Wellington., John Mackay Government Printer., 1913. 12 BULLETINS, 28 x 22 cms, each 40-120 pages, numerous plates, maps, photographs. . Contemp. wrappers, wear at spine and edges. . Owner`s entries. 1; Material for the Palæontology / 2 + 3 ; Revision of the Tertiary Mollusca I + II / 4; the Cretaceous Faunas / 5; New Tertiary Mollusca I. / 6; The Earlier Mesozoic Floras / 7 ; Cretaceous and Tertiary fish-Remains / 8; list of New Zealand Tertiary Mollusca / 9; The Upper Cretaceous Gastropodes / 11 ; Cretaceous and Tertiary foraminifera / 14; The Fauna of the Reefton Beds. / 15; Wangaloan and Associated Molluscan Faunas of KaitangatGreen Island. lara published 1913-1937. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €150,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Morgan, Percy Gates.

    Titel: The Geology of the Mikonuio Subdivision, North Westland. New Zealand, Department of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, BULLETIN 6 ( New Series ).

    Wellington., John Mackay Government Printer., 1908. Geographical Monography. 28 x 22 pages, 175 pages, XXIX plates, 11 coloured folding maps in rear pocket. . Contemp. wrappers, wear at spine. Owner`s entry. lara KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €50,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Reid, J.C.

    Titel: Creative Writing in New Zealand. A Brief Critical History.

    Auckland., Whitcombe and Tombs., 1946. 22 x 15 cms, 97 pages. Hcloth. Good condition. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. literature

    Prijs: €12,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Rev. Canon Hohepa Taepa.

    Titel: The Rangiatea Story.

    Levin., Kerslake, Billens & Humphrey., 1965. 22 x 14 cms, 48 pages, photos. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €10,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Ristori, B.

    Titel: The Bay of Islands.

    Kawakawa., The Northland Gazette., 1946. 22 x 14 cms, ( ii ), 46 pages, 11 ills outside the text. Wrappers with wear. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €25,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Simpson, R.

    Titel: This is Kuaotunu. reprinted 1971 with further additions.

    Thames., The Thames Star., 1971. 21 x 14 cms, 80 pages, numerous photos outside the text. folding map. Wrappers, spine with wear. KEYWORDS: New Zealand.

    Prijs: €12,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Singer, Richard.

    Titel: 24 Notable Trials.

    Auckland., Oswald-Sealy., 1944. 19 x 13 cms, 131 pages. Some staining. Wrappers. 1944 = approximative. KEYWORDS: New Zealand. criminology

    Prijs: €18,-

    Bestel dit boek
  • Schrijver: Speight, B. / King., L. / Modriniak, N. / Marsden, E.

    Titel: Geological Memoirs No. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 New Zealand Geological Survey Branch. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.

    Wellington., W. Skinner, Government Printer., 1928. 4 MEMOIRS, 28 x 22 cms, numerous plates, maps, photographs. . Contemp. wrappers, wear at spine and edges. . Owner`s entries. No. 1; The Geology of the Malvern Hills, 72 pages / 2; The Geology of the lower Awatere District, 49 pages / 3; The Geology of the Mount Somers District, 116 pages. / 4; Experiments in Geophysical Survey, 92 pages. lara published 1928-38 KEYWORDS: New Zealand. geology.

    Prijs: €60,-

    Bestel dit boek
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